Lombard Park District 6 Chapter One
Chapter One: Introduction
Goals of the Process
The following goals were identifi ed for the planning process:
• Inventory and analyze parks, facilities, and recreation programs
• Determine the needs, preferences and expectations of the populations served
• Provide key recommendations
• Establish an Action Plan for implementation
Planning Process
The planning process began in September 2012. A task force was assembled to work
directly with the Hitchcock Design Group Team to provide background information
and direction. The Hitchcock Design Group Team completed site and facility asset
tours, reviewed current and projected demographic information, studied services
and programs off ered, and held a series of focus groups, workshops, and stakeholder
interviews. Once these actions were completed, a statistically-valid community-wide
survey was developed and sent to a cross-section of residents, soliciting responses to
a strategic list of questions. The key fi ndings from the process helped determine the
master plan's recommendations and prioritized action items.
How the Document Should be Used
This master plan document should be used as a guide for policy, asset improvements
and program off erings, implemented by Park District staff and Board of Commissioners,
over the next fi ve years. This document should be reviewed on an annual basis and
remain fl exible to react to changing conditions. The plan should be thought of as a
working list and objectives should be checked off as they are completed.
Planning Area Summary
The Planning Area for the Lombard Park District is approximately 9.1 square miles. The
Park District boundary encompasses the majority of the Village of Lombard, Illinois.