Lombard Park District

Kiddie Campus Parent Handbook 2014-2015_061014-no bleeds

Issue link: https://lombardparks.uberflip.com/i/358640

Contents of this Issue


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www.lombardparks.com (630) 620-7322 7 Assessments, Progress Reports & Conferences Assessments are done on all of the children throughout the year. These are done by using the Creative Curriculum Child Development and Learning Checklist, observational techniques and focus observations. Findings are shared with the parents through progress reports (December and May) and parent/teacher conferences (December/ January). However, if you have any concerns or something to share, we will be happy to schedule a meeting with you at our mutual convenience. School District #44 conducts preschool screenings for children between the ages of 2 years 10 months and 4 years 11 months of age to identify those who may need further evaluation to determine eligibility for Early Childhood Education and/or speech language services. These screenings are held throughout the year and will be posted when we receive the information. The screening includes Cognitive Development, Speech and Language Skills, Social/Emotional Development, Gross and Fine Motor Skills and Vision and Hearing. If you are concerned about your child's development and wish to schedule an appointment, or just have questions concerning the appropriateness of this screening for your child, please call Diane Rohlfs, Executive Secretary - Special Services, at (630)-827-4431. To contact School District #45, call the Administration Center at (630) 516-7700. Discipline and Guidance Policy The philosophy of guidance utilizes a positive approach to teaching children problem solving skills. Emphasis is placed on the child being independent and taking responsibility for their own actions. Problem solving, independence and responsibility promote a healthy self-esteem. The limits provided by the instructors for the classroom include: respect for each other, respect for themselves and respect for the environment. Instructors strive to maintain a positive environment using statements such as "hitting hurts" instead of "don't hit", or "keep your feet on the floor" instead of "don't stand on the chair", and "keep the sand in the sand box" instead of "don't throw sand". To maintain a child's self-esteem, our instructors use the following method to correct inappropriate behavior: 1. Explain to the child why the behavior is inappropriate. 2. Give the child two or more appropriate choices. 3. The instructor redirects the child to a different area of classroom. 4. Child is required to stay near the teacher until he/she is able to control his/her actions. 5. Parent will be notified at pick-up time regarding repetitive behavior problems. 6. If a child displays disruptive behavior and these disruptions interfere with the class, the instructor will remove the child to the Early Childhood Program Manager's office and parent will be notified to pick up their child. 7. If disruptions are consistent, a professional evaluation will be conducted by Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association, with parental permission. 8. After the evaluation is completed a meeting will be held with parent (s), instructor, preschool coordinator, and Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association personnel to implement a behavior plan. 9. If behavior does not improve, or parent does not consent to evaluation, the instructor reserves the right to remove child from the program. A prorated refund will be issued for that month. For example, if a child throws a truck across the classroom he would first be told that the truck may break or could hurt someone. If behavior continues, he/she would be given the choice of rolling the truck on the floor or putting it away. If the child is unable to roll the truck across the floor, he would be directed by the instructor to another activity. The instructor will remain near the child until the behavior ceases.

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