(Ages 4-14)
Our knowledgeable and enthusiastic instructors will teach your child tennis
basics, and help the more experienced player further their tennis skills. Players
must supply their own rackets. Tennis balls are supplied. Classes may be adjusted,
cancelled, or combined. Instructors may move participants to a different level if
necessary. Make-ups for rain-outs based on instructor availability.
Pee-Wee (Ages 4-5) - Children will be introduced to tennis with suitable equipment.
Beginner (Ages 6-8) - Class emphasizes ball control and basic strokes,
regardless of previous experience.
Beginner Tennis & Games (Ages 6-8) - A more advanced class emphasizing
gameplay and minigames more than basic instruction. Must be able to play half
court matches independently.
Advanced Beginner (Ages 9-12) - Children review basic skills and focus on
footwork and the overhead serve.
Junior Achiever Tennis Team (9-14) - Focus on gameplay, must be able to
serve over-head and serve in-bounds.
Class Will Not Meet On: 05/28
Instructor: Staff
Location: Lombard Common
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
Pee Wee
101106-01 M,W 04/16 - 05/09 4:30 - 5:15 pm $51/$61
101106-11 M,W 05/14 - 06/06 4:30 - 5:15 pm $45/$55
101106-02 M,W 04/16 - 05/09 5:30 - 6:30 pm $61/$71
101106-12 M,W 05/14 - 06/06 5:30 - 6:30 pm $54/$64
Beginner Tennis & Games
101106-03 M,W 04/16 - 05/09 6:30 - 7:30 pm $61/$71
101106-13 M,W 05/14 - 06/06 6:30 - 7:30 pm $54/$64
Advanced Beginner
101106-04 Tu,Th 04/17 - 05/10 4:30 - 5:30 pm $61/$71
101106-14 Tu,Th 05/15 - 06/07 4:30 - 5:30 pm $61/$71
Junior Achievers Tennis Team
101106-05 Tu,Th 04/17 - 05/10 5:30 - 6:45 pm $71/$81
101106-15 Tu,Th 05/15 - 06/07 5:30 - 6:45 pm $71/$81
(Ages 10-18)
This is a high paced clinic for the advanced player who is looking to take their
game to the next level. Learn skills and perform drills that enabled Zach Miller
to earn a Division 1 scholarship. He will lead players through a series of drills
designed to help them perform at the highest level.
Instructor: Scott Miller
Location: Glenbard East HS, GE Field House
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
101121-01 M,W 05/07 - 05/23 7:00 - 8:30 pm $90/$95
(Grades 1-8)
We have again entered into a park district cooperative basketball league between
Carol Stream, Bloomingdale, Itasca, Medinah, Glendale Heights, Bensenville,
and Roselle. This means that home games will be played in Lombard, but road
games will be played in other towns. It is still a recreational league focusing on
player development and has rules such as all players must play 50% of the game.
Instructor: Volunteer Coaches
Location: Pleasant Lane School
Registration Deadline: 05/18
Code Day Date R/NR Fee
Co-ed Grades 1-2
201151-06 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Boys Grades 3-4
201151-01 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Girls Grades 3-4
201151-03 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Boys Grades 5-6
201151-08 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Girls Grades 5-6
201151-09 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Boys Grades 7-8
201151-02 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
Girls Grades 7-8
201151-04 Su 06/10 - 08/12 $80/$90
(Ages 5-18)
The Lombard Park District and the Glen Ellyn Girls' Softball Association are
teaming up again to offer an extensive youth softball program including
instruction for all ages and skill levels. Coaches will determine practice times.
The Park District reserves the right to combine age levels if necessary.
Instructor: Volunteer Coaches
Instructor: Lombard Common & Madison Meadow
Registration Deadline: 03/06
Code Day Date R/NR Fee
101134-01 M-Sa 04/21 - 06/29 $85/$95
Grades 1-2
101134-02 M-Sa 04/21 - 06/29 $107/$117
Grades 3-4
101134-03 M-Sa 04/21 - 06/29 $127/$137
Grades 5-6
101134-04 M-Sa 04/21 - 06/29 $127/$137
Grades 7-8
101134-05 M-Sa 04/21 - 06/29 $127/$137
High School
101134-06 M-Sa 05/14 - 07/27 $127/$137
Youth athletics