Youth Athletics
(Ages 5-17)
New enrollment for the 2016-17 squad is closed, but Fall 2016 returning
participants may still register for this session. The Lombard Poms Team will
be seeking new members in September 2017 for the 2017-18 season, with
registration beginning in May. The team will learn skills such as kicks, turns
and jumps, and then use what they learned to develop a routine. The team
will have weekly practices September-May, and compete in 3-4 meets against
other park districts on weekends from February to April. The season ends with
special events in May, including a final performance at Kids Day in Lilacia Park,
participation in the Lilac Parade, and a Team Banquet. Commitment to the
squad includes the purchase of team uniforms and poms, and attendance at
practices on Monday nights.
Instructor: Lauren Connell
Location: Sunset Knoll Recreation Center
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
401100-01 M 01/09 - 05/08 5:00 - 5:55 pm $140/$150
401100-02 M 01/09 - 05/08 6:15 - 7:10 pm $140/$150
401100-03 M 01/09 - 05/08 7:15 - 8:10 pm $140/$150
(Ages 8 +)
This class will offer students the basic understanding of attack and defense.
Students will learn different moves and combinations that will help them develop
their skill. Fencing is great exercise for all ages. All equipment is provided.
Instructor: Vladimir Lapshin
Location: Sunset Knoll Recreation Center
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
401402-01 Sa 01/07 - 02/11 11:30 am - 12:30 pm $56/$66
401402-04 Sa 02/18 - 03/25 11:30 am - 12:30 pm $56/$66
401402-02 Sa 01/07 - 02/11 10:30 - 11:30 am $56/$66
401402-05 Sa 02/18 - 03/25 10:30 - 11:30 am $56/$66
Extra Advanced (Must be enrolled in the Advanced class)
401402-03 Sa 01/07 - 02/11 9:30 - 10:30 am $20
401402-06 Sa 02/18 - 03/25 9:30 - 10:30 am $20
(Grades 6-12)
The focus of these classes will be on teaching the fundamental movement
patterns and mechanics in relation to speed and agility training as well as
establishing optimal mechanics and movement patterns to improve speed and
agility. Strength and power training will be age appropriate and will focus on
improving explosive power from the hips and core, while still balancing strength
throughout the body to help prevent injuries. Sign up for both sessions and
receive a $40 discount.
Instructor: 2XL Powerlifting
Location: 8 Yorktown Shopping Center, Lombard
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
Grades 6-8
401165-01 Tu 01/10 - 02/28 6:00 - 7:00 pm $140/$150
401165-02 Th 01/12 - 03/02 6:00 - 7:00 pm $140/$150
Grades 9-12
401165-03 Tu 01/10 - 02/28 7:00 - 8:15 pm $160/$170
401165-04 Th 01/12 - 03/02 7:00 - 8:15 pm $160/$170
(Ages 6-9)
Futsal is an indoor soccer game that is officially approved by the world governing
body of soccer FIFA, and is recognized as a smaller version of outdoor soccer
played indoors. Futsal is played on a hard surface basketball-sized court with a
smaller, heavier low-bouncing ball. This program will help your child to refine and
maintain their ball control, touch, and technique, as it demands quick reflexes,
fast thinking, and pinpoint passing. Classes will consist of skills training taught
by the U.K. International soccer trainers, as well as mini-games and scrimmages.
Please wear athletic court shoes to class, no cleats allowed.
Instructor:UK International Trainers
Location: Glenbard East High School
Code Day Date Time R/NR Fee
Ages 6-9
401120-01 Sa 01/07 - 02/11 2:00 - 3:00 pm $75/$85
401120-03 Sa 02/18 - 03/25 2:00 - 3:00 pm $75/$85
Ages 10-13
401120-02 Sa 01/07 - 02/11 3:00 - 4:00 pm $75/$85
401120-04 Sa 02/18 - 03/25 3:00 - 4:00 pm $75/$85